We offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments so you can achieve the smile that you want.


Tooth Whitening

One of the most popular treatments here at the practice. Easy and safe to use and the most simple first step to improving your confidence in your smile. 

How does it work? 

To start with we take an impression of your teeth. We then send it to a technician who will then use the impression to cast a model of you teeth from plaster and make your custom teeth whitening trays. The trays take around 7 days to make. You can then use them in combination with the professional whitening gel, which we provide, until you are happy with the results. you can wither wear these trays for a few hours in the day or you can sleep in them, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Am I suitable?

Some people are not able to have the teeth whitening treatment and a dentist will assess your suitability during a consultation. If you have gum disease or other dental health problems, you may not be suitable. The teeth whitening process does not change the colour of crowns, veneers or fillings so it is important to understand that you may need to change these to match the colour of your whitened teeth.

How well will it work?

This varies from person to person. Some people respond very well to teeth whitening and have dramatically whiter teeth as a result, whereas other may notice very little difference at all. Your dentist will be able to advise you on the likely results following a consultation. It is advisable to avoid any foods that would stain a white t-shirt such as curry, red wine, coffee etc. 

Does it hurt? What are the side effects of teeth whitening? 

Some people experience no pain or sensitivity with their teeth. However, the majority of people will experience some kind of sensitivity either during and/or after the initial treatment. Using a sensitive toothpaste can help with this. 


Composite (White) Fillings

Nowadays, fillings can be tooth coloured and much more aesthetically pleasing. Many people are conscious about the way they look, so they don't want silver fillings that show when they laugh and smile. 

Are white fillings as good as silver amalgam fillings?

White fillings have always been considered less long-lasting than silver amalgam fillings. But there are now new materials available that are comparable to silver amalgam and these are proving to be very successful. The life expectancy of a white filling can greatly depend on where it is in your mouth and how heavily your teeth come together when you bite. 

How much do they cost?

The price of white fillings can vary depending on the size and type of white filling used and the time it takes to complete the treatment. We will be able to give you a more comprehensive quote at your appointment.

Should I replace my silver fillings with white fillings? 

There is no problem in changing silver fillings for white fillings. If you wish to do this, a free consultation will be booked for you and we can give you a quote. Some fillings may not be suitable for a white filling but we can discuss other options for these situations.



You may have heard of the 'Hollywood' smile and who doesn't want that? Veneers can help you achieve the fantastic smile you want. 

What are veneers?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of the tooth, very similar to the way a false nail works. Sometimes this can also be done by using a white filling material.

Veneers can help improve the shape, position and colour of your teeth. Most patients who have veneers also whiten their teeth first in order to get the shade they want for the veneers. A veneer can make a chipped tooth look whole again; the porcelain covers the front of the whole tooth with a thicker section replacing the broken part. 

Veneers can also be used to help make teeth appear straighter without having to wear orthodontic appliances. They can be used to close small gaps and help with a straighter, more symmetrical appearance.

How are teeth prepared for a veneer?

Veneers are very thin and so they require little preparation to the tooth, some veneers needing no preparation at all. Some of the enamel of the tooth may be removed to make sure that the veneer can be bonded permanently in place later. The amount of enamel removed is tiny and will be the same as the thickness of the veneer to be fitted so that the tooth stays the same size. 

Once the tooth has been prepared, we take and impression and send this off to a dental laboratory. It take 1-2 weeks for them to make the veneer and we then book you in for an appointment for them to be fitted. In the meantime, you will have some temporary veneers fitted which will look like your original teeth and feel slightly less smooth. 

How long do they last?

On average a veneer can last 10-15 years. However, this does depend on how well you look after them. Your oral hygiene and eating habits can effect longevity. Gone are the days of opening packets with your teeth or using your teeth to rip cellotape!

How much will it cost?

Veneers are very person specific so we would always recommend a consult so we can give you a quote tailored to your needs. This can be something we can discuss with you at your regular dental check-up. 


Onlays and Inlays

If a filling wont do the job and a Crown seems a bit drastic, what other option do you have? An onlay or inlay could be just the thing. 

What are they?

In some cases, a filling is insufficient and the tooth may require a crown in order to make it stable. In terms of procedure, it's quite a leap from a filling to a crown. So naturally, you may want to find a treatment that is in between; something which is more durable than a filling, just as strong as a crown and keeps some of your natural tooth structure. 

Onlays and Inlays are used when a cavity is too deep and large for a filling but the structure of your tooth is still sound. They are essentially a filling that we send away to be made in a laboratory.

How are teeth prepped for an Onlay/Inlay?

Exactly the same as we would a filling. They are made over 2 appointments, the first appointment being the preparation where the old filling is removed and impressions are taken. The impressions are then sent to a dental laboratory that create the onlay/inlay and send it back to the dentist to be cemented into the tooth. This usually takes 1-2 weeks.

What are the advantages of having and Onlay/Inlay?

  1. They do a fantastic job! They are made from very durable materials which means that they have the potential to last much longer than a standard fillings. Some can last up to 30 years on average!
  2. Your onlays/inlays can be made from a composite resin or porcelain material which are tooth coloured so they can be a lot more aesthetically pleasing than amalgam fillings. Onlays/Inlays may be something that you are considering because it is treatment recommended by your dentist. However, some patients have opted to replace their metal fillings with Onlays/Inlays simply for the better aesthetics.
  3. They are a great option if a filling is no longer strong enough yet you don't want something as permanent as a crown. Whilst and Onlay/Inlay is still cemented to the tooth and is a permanent option, it enables your dentist to salvage as much of your tooth structure as possible.

How much will it cost? 

Every tooth is different so it is hard to give a price until the dentist has seen your tooth. It all depends on the shape and size of the Onlay/Inlay that is needed and also which material you choose to go for. You can make an appointment to discuss the options further with your dentist.